Featured Artist

> Delphine Gaudin

Featured Artists : go beyond Instagram to learn more about what's behind a feed.

When I do elaborate stories on Instagram, called “Featured Artist”, I contact the artist and they give me some informations about their own approach. You will find here what’s Delphine Gaudin (delphinosaure on Instagram) shared with me, by texting or replying my questions. I thank her a lot for taking the time to answer me but also to accept the interview in the video.

On the video we speak in French, that’s the reason why I’m sharing here additional informations. 

Delphine Gaudin is 27 years old, born in Paris and she lives now in Montréal (Canada) for 5 years. She studied and she works there. When she lived in France she used to draw and also take photographies, but when she moved far away from her home, she couldn’t bring all her stuffs and finaly she focused on photography only, it was more convenient for her. She also met photographers plus discovered Instagram, an inspiring platform. She shoot in 2 big cities: Montreal & Toronto which offers a very nice potential for architecture photography. 


Here are her very first photographies when she started and was a teenager. She borrowed her father’s camera, a 4M pixel camera, the Nikon Coolpix 4100. She basically shoot everything she found around her, like daily life stuffs, street, and so on. She liked to set up her photographies. It’s interesting to see a sens of aesthetic, details and minimalism on her first pics. 

I started Photography about ten years ago, but I’ve tried many styles before finally finding myself into architecture and minimalism. I think I’ve finally found what represents me… Images I’m producing are now reflecting me well, and I’m always satisfied when creating them.

I’d say my pictures are a complex mix of Photography and Digital Art.”

I mostly do architecture photography, minimalist and uncluttered. I love playing with lines, curves, symmetry… But it’s so hard to stand out with this kind of photographs. Combining Photography with Digital Art has opened me up to new horizons. I can create unique pictures you won’t see everywhere on social medias. Copying existing photos bothers me a lot … I’m more into creating or redesigning places I photograph as I see them in my head, or as I’d like them to be.

I’m aware that I’m not into «true» photography anymore, but I’m not lying about this : there is a lot of post-production process to create my images. It’s sometimes very complex for me to get to a minimalist picture. But I like this paradox of simplicity. This matches my personality so well : I like simple and organized things, but I am able to think a lot about trivial details.”

On the interview, Delphine explains that her edits take her between 3 and 12 hours per photo, depending on the image editing complexity. She never edits a pic and post it straight away on Instagram, she waits at least several days before post it, she must feel fully satisfied before post an image. 

She totally assumes to edit a lot her photographies, pushing the photographie’s boundaries: her images are actually a mix of photography and digital Art. It’s a way for her to avoid to be copied and not post similar photos as many other Instagramers. More than that, she loves to control everything in her own life and her images relfect her own personnality. Also, living in a world which has a lot of big issues, it’s a way for her to share something more positive and clean.

Delphine takes her inspiration from contemporary art, she has few references on Instagram as well. Here are 3 Instagram accounts she follows for years :

I hope you enjoyed the interview. Don’t hesitate to drope a comment, any constructive feedback are welcome 😉

About Author

Aesthete between China and France.

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